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The world is a beautiful place for sure and the thing that makes it beautiful is we, its inhabitants. The ideal scenario where everyone lives happily devoid of any negativity is surely a fantasy (or is it not!!!). And in actual, we do get carried away by our limitations, insecurity and ego resorting to spreading anguish and hatred around which certainly creates void and differences in the hearts. It’s all so frustrating to witness that. There are already so many layers and lines demarcating the hearts of the people (in the name of religion, caste, creed, race and lord knows what else), let’s strive not to add further to these. What the world and its inhabitants need is more of love and compassion – spread these and then this would be a more beautiful world with more beautiful people. Theoretic, it may sound… but in actual it isn’t one.
The beautiful world is not exactly a myth in itself though a bit distant reality but something which can surely be bridged and converged with today provided one strives for it. And there is no need to traverse a lot in search of those beautiful people who make the world beautiful, because they are right here – YOU and ME!!
Life is indeed too short for the people to love the ones around with all their might then how on the earth do they gather time to nail them down – I don’t know and understand. It’s a simple yet not so ordinary piece of mind, “Treat others in the manner you would want yourself to be treated.” There is no dearth of hatred or the negativity in the world out there, why do we need to spread more. People want love and compassion & they are more than eager to reciprocate it with all their zest, but each one is just waiting for that first step – and the big question remains, Who should make the beginning? Who should take that first step? Who should initiate that gesture? Life gets intervened in the vicious circles of these questions and when the realisation dwells upon, it’s a bit too late!!!
It feels bad and a part of mine pains when I witness people quarrelling with each other and that too for things which are momentary. In fact, I feel that it’s not those momentary things which make them fight or argue it’s their ever-lasting ego which refuses to subside causing all the mess. They fail to appreciate the simple fact that the relation and compassion which they have relinquished under the intoxication of their ego was hard earned after devoting a major portion of their lifetime and efforts. I bet you ask any of them and they will hurl it all back on their self-respect and dignity…only if they could realize that there is a thin line of consciousness demarcating the self-respect and the ego. The ones who are conscious never cross that line because on the other side the life is alone. The logic is simple, in the sheer madness for self we become so obsessed that we end up losing others too who love us and what’s worse is that we turn blind to the loss we suffer.
I firmly believe that people come into our life for a reason and there exist some deep connection which brings soul to connect with each other – this may be for some cherished memories of love, friendship and compassion or some hard earned experience of hardships, sufferings and lessons.
This, however, in no way means or implies that those toxic souls that exhausts you to the bottom and impute negativity by obstructing your forward momentum should be nurtured. On the contrary, there needs to be a periodical weeding out exercise which should be done just the way we do for our garden upkeep. While working in our garden, we come across many unwanted weeds and shrubs which have come into existence on their own. These are constantly sucking out the nutrients, manure, water and also space we intend to shower on our dear planted flowers. And as a matter of hygiene, we weed out those unwanted entrants to our garden to keep the garden afresh and anew, so that the plants and flora we cherish can blossom in the best of the environment.
The case with the garden of our heart is also exactly similar. There are flowers of our near and dear ones which blossom on the soil of our heart nurtured with care, attention, time and effort. These in turn emit fragrance which is clearly visible in our positive thoughts, worthy actions and righteous deeds. However, unknowingly, some unwarranted shrubs also make their way in our heart consuming our precious time, care and attention, which was actually meant for our flowers. These unwanted people consume all our love and attention and in turn impart darkness, negativity and stress.
Visit the garden of your heart sporadically and pluck out those 'unwarranted weeds' which are exhausting your love, care and attention at the cost of those 'fragrant floras' which are consequently withering for the want of the same. The process is, no doubt, wearing and filthy but in the end it’s worth the effort.
Though to ascertain as to which of the plant in our heart’s garden belongs to ‘fragrant floras’ category and which one are those ‘unwarranted weeds’, is something that require great tact and prudence. There are times when the circumstances outside and within (read our own self) makes us commit a blooper mistaking floras for weeds and vice versa . . . beware!! Try not to be the one imparting negativity and hatred in the world making you one of the ‘Weeds’ in someone’s life and cherish the people (Floras) in your life by nurturing them with love and care & never let your self come in the way of your relationship. I recall, the Holy Bible saying, “Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath”. The first part of the statement simply implies that if one ever be angry that should not be against the person but against the sins, one’s own sins or the sins of others – let there be anger which is not sinful. The second part of statement implies that one’s anger should not be continuous and thus, it should not last at the furthest more than one day i.e. beyond the sunset. One’s shouldn’t sleep over with the heat of anger inside the heart, which should cease as the heat of the sun ceases at the sunset. Amidst all the foregoing the key remains. . .
“Don’t ever let go your ‘Floras’ under the pretext of your ‘Weeds’ . . .”
~Shubh Life . . . Om Sai Ram
© 2015 Manish Purohit (Reserved)
Heartfelt thanks for visiting here. . . While the thoughts are woven with the strings of the words, what remains to be seen whether they does manage to form a bridge for you to cross and listen to the beating. And if it does, do drop in your beat in the comment box . . . it always feels great to hear from you :)
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